Interesting Websites regarding Islam
Recommended websites are stated as follows:
- Science Research Foundation
- Islam Denounces Terrorism
- Islam Denounces Antisemitism
- Darwinism-Watch
- Evolution Deceit
- Creation of Universe
- Union of Faiths
- Prophet Muhammad
- Perished Nations
- Jesus Will Return
- Miracles of the Quran
- End of Times
- Secret Beyond Matter
- Global Freemasonry
- Evolution Documentary
- End of Times
- Signs of the Last Day
- Serving Islam
- Darwinism Refuted
- BBC Refuted
- Creation of Man
- Day of Judgment
- East Turkestan
- Evidences of Creation
- Insight Magazine
- Islam and Buddhism
- Islam and Karma
- Noble Qur'an
- Palestinian Tragedy
- Rise of Islam
- Theists United
- For-Chlidren
- Truths for Kids